Sun Damage To Curly Hair

Sun Damage To Curly Hair

The majority of us human beings, enjoy the sun! It’s a fact. When the sun is out, Winter or Summer, we walk happily outside to have a few streaks of sunlight bathe our skin. Heck, even reptiles do it too! Although related, don’t mistake liking the sun with liking the high temperatures that generally accompany Summer. To me, these are related but not the same. Just think about the way you experience the […]

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The Benefits Of Lemon For Curly Hair

The Benefits Of Lemon For Curly Hair

Is there anyone who doesn’t want healthy, strong, shiny and bouncy curls? Yeah, I guess we’re all on this journey working for this. When entering into our transitioning hair journey our hair is pretty much damaged and in an effort to take better care of it many of us resort to natural ingredients because of their proven benefits for hair. Lemon, a champion in the kitchen, is one of those ingredients […]

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Activated Charcoal For Curly Hair Care

Activated Charcoal For Curly Hair Care

There’s no doubt the technological and scientific advances we witness today can be a big help in the beauty and hair care industry, however, Mother Nature never ceases to amaze us. Those of you who read my posts here know that I am a big supporter of natural hair brands that insist on, favour and support natural ingredients in their products (or the closest to it) in detriment of chemical ones. In this particular blog post, […]

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Spring Clean Your Curly Hair Regimen

Spring Clean Your Curly Hair Regimen

Spring has just begun but I’m starting to see signs of it all around. With longer warm days, daylight saving time and trees looking perkier I think it’s about time to Spring clean your curly hair regimen. Although the term is mainly used in connection with thorough house cleaning I find the term applies to the changes we need to do in our regimen this time of the year.     […]

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How To Clean Your Hair Brushes And Combs

How To Clean Your Hair Brushes And Combs

Do you have the habit of cleaning your hair brushes and combs? How often do you do it? Are you ashamed to say it? Don’t be, this is something I too didn’t do before. I confess I used them months or years on end without ever thinking about it. Gross isn’t it?! I’m sure I’m not the only one as I have walked into the bathroom of friends and family and […]

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10 All Natural Leave-in Conditioners To Jazz Up Your Curly Hair

10 All Natural Leave-In Conditioners To Jazz Up Your Curly Hair

While water knowingly hydrates your hair, leave-in conditioners help to keep the moisture in because they have ingredients that attract moisture inside the hair structure and delay its release. All natural ingredients in your products offer your hair the best conditioning benefits without the chemicals, that are many times questionable. Adding an all natural leave-in conditioner will help your hair to become more pliable and strong, and less prone to dryness […]

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Broccoli Seed Oil The New Wonder Oil For Curly Hair

Broccoli Seed Oil The New Wonder Oil For Curly Hair

I love, love, love when I get to discover and learn something new about curly hair or something that can benefit its health. This is why when I heard about this I was super excited and had to share it with you guys. I’m talking about broccoli and no, I’m won’t ask you to start eating it or to slather some greenish paste on your hair too (go ahead sigh with relief!). […]

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5 Hair Loss Conditions You Can Stop Today

5 Hair Loss Conditions You Can Stop Today!

I don’t know about you but, the words hair loss sound way scarier to me than hair breakage. Hair breakage is generally associated with the lack of or a bad hair practice, and  they are normally under your control. You have the power to moisturise your hair when it feels dry or to stop using direct heat without protection. Hair loss, on the other end, can be out of your control and be […]

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