The Truth About Surfactants For Curly Hair Products

The Truth About Surfactants For Curly Hair Products And Why You Need Not Just Mild Ones

If the title of this post caught your attention I’m glad because I needed a bait to wheel you into a subject that many people in the natural hair community are 1) unaware, 2) don’t understand or 3) ignore thinking they now know best. So let me just pull up my sleeves to try and explain the truth about surfactants in curly hair products,  and clear some of the misconceptions that can […]

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Blog Post_Favourite Curly Hair Products in 2017

Favourite Curly Hair Products In 2017

I don’t know about you, but whenever a new year begins it takes me a couple of weeks to get used to it. You know, like when you fill up a form and write the wrong year or talk about the past year as if you were still in it. I’m sure we’ve all done this.  Well, it was thinking about this that I decided to write a post about my […]

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Introducing My New Service For Curly Hair Newbies Shed and Rescue

Introducing My New Service For Curly Hair Newbies: Shed and Rescue

If you subscribe to Curly Hair Lounge, then you may have already heard about Shed & Rescue. Either way, I am super excited about it and I want to introduce it to you all here on the blog. The Shed & Rescue is a coaching call service I am now offering to curly hair newbies and transitioners who have little knowledge of natural hair or the more experienced naturalista who is […]

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4 Reasons Why You Need Help In Your Natural Hair Journey

4 Reasons Why You May Need Help In Your Natural Hair Journey

Throughout the week, every week, I get several emails from people sharing their hair journeys with me and asking for help to overcome some sort of struggle they’re experiencing. This puts me in a difficult position because as much as I like to help people, and I do, there’s a limit to how much I can help over email exchanges other than giving them a little tip or advice or direct […]

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5 Tips You Must Do For Healthy Natural Hair

Patience isn’t something we consider having or developing when starting a curly hair journey, normally, we’re more about the excitement. I know there is an element of being anxious, but for the most part, we’re curious and ready to pull up our sleeves and do the work. You know… the kind of enthusiasm you have when you don’t know what you’re getting into but believe you’ll succeed!?? Does this remind you of […]

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How Do You Quickly Recover From Natural Hair Damage

How Do You Quickly Recover From Natural Hair Damage?

  If you’re like any other curly out there who has some sort curly hair damage or condition there is a high chance you already looked on YouTube or some blog for tips on how to recover from damaged hair to healthy curly hair. This is, of course, good because the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. However, though canned advice can definitely be helpful and produce […]

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5 Easy To Follow Tips For Buying Natural Hair Care Products

5 Easy To Follow Tips For Buying Natural Hair Care Products

The first steps in your natural hair journey can be exciting, scary, joyful, nerve-racking, frustrating or all of the above… Yeah, sorry to tell you, but you can feel that bipolar… There are a lot of reasons for it and one of them is having to find natural hair care products to feature in your hair routine among the tons of curly hair brands and products out there. It can be overwhelming, especially because […]

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3 Things Successful Curly Hair Newbies Do

When I started my hair journey I used to watch a lot of YoutTube videos about natural hair and, as I shared recently on my Instagram page, given the change, I would have probably become a product junkie. Lucky for me, that didn’t happen. Not that being one is a bad thing, no! It’s just that it can it distract and steer you away from your curly hair goals when you […]

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