Flora & Curl Complete Moisture Therapy Kit Product Review

I got two words for you – Flora & Curl. If they don’t mean anything much other than their literal definition that’s okay, I wouldn’t expect them to mean much to you… yet. Flora & Curl is a UK based natural hair care brand that has recently launched (April/2017) its products into the market and asked me to make an honest product review of their natural hair care products, no strings attached. […]

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Do You Moisturise Your Natural Hair Properly

Do You Moisturise Your Natural Hair Properly? (Video)

Most people, as they enter their natural hair journey, make every effort to take better care of their hair paying attention and doing things they never did before. However, as new knowledge and practices are acquired how do you know if you moisturise your natural hair properly? How do you know if you need to remoisturise your hair?   This may seem like a silly question or one with an obvious answer, […]

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7 Protein Free Moisturising Hair Treatments For Curly Hair

7 Protein Free Moisturising Hair Treatments For Curly Hair

It’s very often we hear about the importance of having a moisture and protein balance in our hair regimen. Too much of either can ruin your natural hair, but so can not enough of both. Still, it can be hard to maintain this balance when it can take a trained eye to find protein free moisturising hair treatments. This can be especially tough for natural hair newbies who are not yet […]

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7 Protein Treatments To Strengthen Curly Hair

7 Protein Treatments To Strengthen Curly Hair

Protein treatments for curly hair come in “different sizes and shapes”, meaning some will have a more intense action on your hair than others and although many people stay away from them, labelling themselves as ‘protein sensitive’, they are necessary for any hair regimen as they strengthen your curly hair.     Your Diet Even though much focus is given to what we apply on our curly hair and the beneficial effects a […]

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9 Tips To Keep Tangles And Knots At Bay On Curly Hair

9 Tips To Keep Tangles And Knots At Bay

These days, Friday nights are synonymous with chillin’ with the hubby and kids in front of the TV while I do my oil pre-poo. Yes, definitely not the best scenario to keep the flame alive, but I guess that after nearly two decades of living together the hubby can handle this (well, he has no choice really 😀 ).  Pre-pooing is a step I rarely skip in my hair routine ’cause I […]

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2 Things You Need To Know To Build Your Hair Routine

Welcome back to the #HairRoutinePrepWork post series! In this 3-week  post series, I am guiding you into what you need to avoid, what you need to do and what you need to consider for a stress-free hair routine before you even start building it. So today, we’ll be specifically talking about two things you need to know to build your hair routine and how you can go about discovering that information. ready to […]

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3 Mistakes You Are Making When Building Your Natural Hair Care Routine

3 Mistakes You’re Making When Building Your Natural Hair Care Routine

If you’re at all invested in your natural hair journey or been on this route long enough, then you probably noticed that having a natural hair care routine or regimen is a huge thing. I mean everybody and their mama talk about it, and even if you just landed on the natural hair thang you feel the urgency of having one, even if you don’t know exactly what it is.   Today’s […]

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Blog Post_5 Ways To Build A Healthy Relationship With Your Curly Hair

5 Ways To Build A Healthy Relationship With Your Curly Hair

If there’s one thing all natural hair newbies have in common is a not always smooth love affair with their hair. Yes, it can be a bumpy road, especially in the early days when there’s still a strong attachment to the look of relaxed straight hair and you’re confronted with the reality of voluminous, disobedient hair.  Yet, you can still have a healthy relationship with your curly hair has your hair journey […]

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