Finger detangling curly hair do you really need to do it

Finger Detangling Curly Hair: Do You Really Need To Do It?

As you enter your natural hair journey, the first time you hear of finger detangling as the safest and best way to comb your curly hair, your first thought can naturally be “Ain’t nobody got time for that!“. Trust me, I’ve been there. I too was sceptical about doing it until I finally gave in and wondered “Why in the hell didn’t I start this sooner?!“. Though many naturalistas may have had […]

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Why I Won't Do The Cherry Lola Treatment

Why I Won’t Do The Cherry Lola Treatment

Though the name might remind you of some sort of delicious dessert or sweet, the Cherry Lola Treatment is, in fact, a hair treatment whose main benefit is increased hair moisture, especially for those with low porosity hair. Given the dry nature of naturally curly hair and the difficulties many have to keep it moisturised, it’s no wonder this treatment became quite popular in the natural hair community. Still, there is a […]

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5 Tips To Help You Choose A Curly Hair Product Or Treatment

5 Tips To Help You Choose A Curly Hair Product Or Treatment

We’ve all come across that hair product or treatment that bewitches everyone with its bright light and has us wanting to have the same marvellous results as all others. The thing is when you’re able to meet your curly hair needs with the product or treatment’s offer it’s almost like hitting the jackpot. However, things can easily go south if you simply follow the herd and don’t take certain measures to ensure if […]

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The Satin Pillowcase You Need To Have To Keep Your Curly Hair Healthy and Moisturised For Longer

Small quiz question. What is the one essential curly hair accessory our hair needs when it’s bedtime?… If you answered a satin bonnet you’re not wrong, but today I’ll be talking about the satin pillowcase. Why? Because I found The satin pillowcase you need to have to keep your curly hair healthy and moisturised for longer. I’m telling you, this “simple” item will revolutionise your natural hair care and how you sleep […]

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4 essential hair products to moisturise your natural hair

4 Essential Hair Products To Moisturise Your Natural Hair

Oh boy, here I go again about moisture and how to moisturise your natural hair. You would have thought that everything there is to say about this topic has already been said, but guess what? It never is. However, today, I’m not talking about what you need to do, I’ll be talking about the essential hair products you need to have to moisturise your natural hair while transitioning or otherwise.   […]

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4 Sulphate Free Clarifying Shampoos That Will Infuse Life And Bounce Back To Your Curly Hair

4 Sulphate Free Clarifying Shampoos That Will Infuse Life And Bounce Back To Your Curly Hair

Moisture is the keynote in the narrative of a curly girl, but I’m guessing you know that having healthy hair is not just about keeping your hair moisturised. Although it is of paramount importance, other practices are also important such as clarifying our natural hair.   Clarifying, for those you are not familiar with the word, is the act of removing product residue from the hair, that over time creates build […]

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The 3 Keys To Reaching Your Hair Journey's Success

The 3 Keys To Reaching Your Hair Journey’s Success

  Early this year, January to be exact, a big change happened in my life: I cut my hair.   If you’re new to this blog, and this is the first post you read from me you may be thinking, “What the hell is this woman talking about!? This isn’t even interesting.”   Hey, my friend, don’t judge until you reach the end of the post! 😕   No, but seriously, do […]

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5 reasons you are still struggling with dry curly hair

5 Reasons Why You’re Still Struggling With Dry Curly Hair

It’s not strange to hear natural hair transitioners or naturals complain about how they can’t seem to keep their dry curly hair moisturised. These conversations are all over social media, blog post comments, YouTube videos, hair forums and so forth. Yes, when we talk about natural hair I have to say that most of what we do and talk about revolve around hair moisture. There’s no escaping it. While moisturising your transitioning […]

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