What Is Hygral Fatigue

What Is Hygral Fatigue?

In previous posts, I have made reference to the term hygral fatigue and explained briefly what it is. However, I felt the need to dedicate a post to this subject and explain what is hygral fatigue. When you “parachute” into the natural hair community there are many new terms you’ll learn along your transitioning journey. Like a good student, you will be taking (mental) notes, connecting information and widening and deepening your knowledge. […]

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Unboxing Natural Hair Connecting The Dots

Unboxing Natural Hair – Connecting The Dots

So we’ve come to the final post of this 5 part series.  I know I’ve filled your head with a lot of information, and a lot of it might be hanging around loose without any connection to each other. We now know that natural hair is very complex as we looked into porosity, density, texture, elasticity and hair type. Phew!… This was like an intense Natural Hair Master Class. It was a lot! […]

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