6 No-Poo Shampoo Alternatives

6 No Poo Shampoo Alternatives

A lot a people in the natural hair community are strong supporters of no poo shampoo alternatives when it comes to hair cleansing. No poo basically means washing your hair without all the harsh chemicals that conventional and low poo shampoos have. People’s concern with the allergic reactions and possible carcinogenic effects has led them on a search for replacements that complied with their needs and ideological position. In turn, the market […]

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Soap Nut For A Natural Hair No-Poo Shampoo

Soap Nut For a Natural Hair No-Poo Shampoo

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about the use of shampoo on curly and whether it was a good practice or not. My purpose was to inform you of what shampoo is, what it does to your hair and health and what alternatives are out there for you to clean your hair. I personally use a low-poo shampoo, but am currently researching natural alternatives and trying to come up with a recipe […]

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