Grow Your Natural Hair Faster

Grow Your Natural Hair Faster

I’m a girl who is always looking for a natural solution for everything. I hate taking pills and stuffing my body with chemicals, I feel as if they are bullying or forcing my body to do something faster then it is supposed to do! Hey, I’m not advocating the use of no medication! Trust me I’m the first one to take mine when I’m really sick. What I’m saying is that this […]

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5 Tips To Prevent Hygral Fatigue

5 Tips To Prevent Hygral Fatigue

If you are used to wetting your hair regularly than your hair is at risk of having or developing hygral fatigue. I have talked about this hair condition in a previous post and you can read more about it on this post. For now, I will briefly say that constantly wetting your hair puts a strain on your hair as it expands when wet and contracts when it’s dry. This constant motion of […]

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Soap Nut For A Natural Hair No-Poo Shampoo

Soap Nut For a Natural Hair No-Poo Shampoo

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about the use of shampoo on curly and whether it was a good practice or not. My purpose was to inform you of what shampoo is, what it does to your hair and health and what alternatives are out there for you to clean your hair. I personally use a low-poo shampoo, but am currently researching natural alternatives and trying to come up with a recipe […]

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What Is Hygral Fatigue

What Is Hygral Fatigue?

In previous posts, I have made reference to the term hygral fatigue and explained briefly what it is. However, I felt the need to dedicate a post to this subject and explain what is hygral fatigue. When you “parachute” into the natural hair community there are many new terms you’ll learn along your transitioning journey. Like a good student, you will be taking (mental) notes, connecting information and widening and deepening your knowledge. […]

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Protective Measures When Simming WIth Natural Or Transitioning Hair

Protective Measure When Swimming With Natural Or Transitioning Hair

I know that Summertime isn’t exactly here, at least not in my part of the world, but temperatures are rising, Spring has arrived and soon we’ll be longing for a good dive. So whether you’re planning to refresh yourself at a swimming pool, at the beach or even both I want you to protect your hair from the harmful effects that chlorine and salt water have on it. Although it might be a bit […]

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4 Tips To Make Exercise and Transitioning To Natural Hair Possible

4 Tips To Make Exercise And Transitioning To Natural Hair Possible

Summer is coming and we all want to look our best in that small bikini. So, whether you workout on a regular basis or you’re just trying to reach a specific goal you’re probably jumping, squatting and doing your cardio which means you’re sweating. Exercise and transitioning to natural hair doesn’t sound like a good partnership. However, you want to workout and still be able to rock your hair without having to […]

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how to improve hair porosity

How To Improve Hair Porosity

Hair porosity refers to your hair’s ability to attract and retain water inside the hair strand, and this has a direct relation to how the cuticle layers lie in your hair strand. I have discussed this topic in a series of blog posts where I talked about different aspect of natural hair, and how they affect the way we care and choose hair products. You can start reading this series here if you […]

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Unboxing Natural Hair Connecting The Dots

Unboxing Natural Hair – Connecting The Dots

So we’ve come to the final post of this 5 part series.  I know I’ve filled your head with a lot of information, and a lot of it might be hanging around loose without any connection to each other. We now know that natural hair is very complex as we looked into porosity, density, texture, elasticity and hair type. Phew!… This was like an intense Natural Hair Master Class. It was a lot! […]

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