Possible Causes Of Dry Curly Hair

Possible Causes Of Dry Curly Hair

Blogging about natural hair gives me the opportunity to talk about something I love, but also to be able to help someone out there who reads the information I put out. I love receiving your messages letting me how you now understand the nature of curly hair and what care you need to put into it. However, despite all the info on the blog, the videos and even the eCourse, I notice from the emails I regularly receive some of you are still having difficulties. So I decided to discuss some of the possible causes of dry curly hair.



The causes of dry curly hair are nothing new and I have discussed them here on the blog many times in different ways.  I guess sometimes we’re waiting to find some new solution to an old problem, but the news is pretty old. Still, there are newcomers on this journey, some forget about what they learnt and, let’s be frank, getting all the info to ‘click’ and make sense can take some time. The time you don’t have to give when sometimes you can be facing a real hair conundrum and need solutions, not a lecture.



So after finally catching up with my email inbox and responding to all your emails, I felt an urgent need to talk to you directly and on impulse, I jumped in front of my iPhone camera and decided to tackle the recurring theme of all your emails – Dry Hair/Lack of Hair Moisture. (Sometimes a ‘direct’ approach is needed and it just felt right. Somehow, I felt closer to you.)



Yes, I did another YouTube video. Don’t get me wrong, I love writing – it’s my jam! I can lay down my thoughts on a coherent text that is structured and makes sense. With video, I feel I’m all over the place, even though I have some prompts to guide me. 😉  But with 3 takes and some editing on a Sunday afternoon and I had myself a video ready for you. Yay!!! 😀 It’s all very laid back and yes, it’s Summer here too, but this is England – the Summer has been very, very shy. Especially this year. 🙁



Now, I don’t address all the possible causes of dry curly hair – that would make the video very long – I only talk about some of the most common causes of dry curly hair on your hair regimen. To be of greater help I would need to work with you on a coaching session (actually, this may be happening very, very soon. Keep your eyes and ears open).


So without further ado, you can click the image below to watch the video.

(The video is only available here on the blog or on the Facebook Group The Curly Queen Adventure. Join Us!)


Alternatively, and in addition to the video, you can also read the following posts to help you:

What problems are you facing in your curly hair journey?

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