What Is Product Build Up

What Is Product Build Up?

I am sure you read it many times here on my articles talking about product build up and what it can do to our hair. However, I was wondering if you know exactly what is and what causes build up on our hair.   What Is Product Build Up? Product build up is an accumulation or layering of product on the hair strand. You know you have it when your hair starts to feel […]

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Get 6 Wash And Go Hairstyles To Last You A Week

Get 6 Wash and Go Hairstyles To Last You A Week

Know how you take one day out of the weekend just to care for your hair? It probably takes, at least, half of your day just to do the whole washing routine and this is if you don’t count any protein or a henna treatment, right? Anyway, when all your efforts pay off you end up with flawless hair you wish you could stretch until you next wash day. Here are 6 wash and […]

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Finally A Natural Hair Regimen That Works

Finally! A Natural Hair Regimen That Works

Building a natural hair regimen can seem like an impossible mission to do and maybe many of you just wing it. Although it needs some planning this doesn’t have to be complicated. To help you out on this task I’m gonna help you consider a few important components of it when taking care of your hair.     If your transitioning journey just started it’s possible that your brain has been fed […]

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Cutting Natural Curly Hair

Cutting Natural Curly Hair

As some of you might know from reading my About Me page, I have a mild phobia when it comes to cutting my hair and just as much as I don’t like doing it I also don’t like having unhealthy hair. So, I regularly had my ends trimmed with strict instructions since some hairstylists are far too happy with a scissor in their hands. However, as my Big Chop day approaches, I am […]

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Reduce Hair Breakage When Washing Transitioning Hair

5 Ways To Reduce Hair Breakage When Washing Transitioning Hair

Having some hair breakage is normal as our hair is exposed to situations that are out of our control such as weather conditions. However, there are many things we can do to prevent it from escalating and becoming a serious issue. Transitioning hair is extremely fragile and needs to be handled with care now that you decided to go natural. Washing your hair can soon become the source of your woes […]

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5 Ways To Add Heat To Your Deep Conditioning Treatment

5 Ways To Add Heat To Your Deep Conditioning Treatment

I deep condition my hair every single time I wash my hair and that is because I know how beneficial it is to my hair. While my weak transitioning hair is being strengthened to avoid breakage at the line of demarcation my natural hair, which is supposedly growing out healthy, is being protected from all kinds of damage (the sun, manipulation, chemical treatments, etc).  However, this weekly practice can add time […]

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2 Years Growing Natural Hair Now What

2 Years Growing Natural Hair, Now What?

Hurray! Today is my anniversary! Today is the day I celebrate 2 years transitioning to natural hair. I set myself this goal early on in my journey thinking that two years growing natural hair was enough time to let it reach a manageable length. At the time, this day seemed very far away, but it’s not anymore.     The day is here and I should be crossing a day off my […]

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First Impressions: Shea Moisture Professional Curl Memory Leave-in Conditioner

There’s a new kid on the block and it goes by the name of Curl Memory Leave-in Conditioner. It’s part of Shea Moisture’s Professional Curl Care line that came out in April and I got my first glimpse of it through social media. Unfortunately, the fact that it’s so new means that it will take a while before we’ll be able to put our hands on it here in the UK.     […]

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