Have you ever heard of the Crown & Glory method for hair care? Well, I hadn’t until a few days ago, it was completely new to me although it’s not actually new in the natural hair community. You think you know just about every hair method there is and then a new one pops up on your radar. It was exciting, so I immediately started researching it as I wanted to write about it here.
Getting information on the Crown & Glory method was easy, however getting it from the horse’s mouth was a whole different scenario. Several followers of this method name Robin Woods as its creator and the website www.growafrohairlong.com as the place to get information about it and to buy the products that support the method. However, I quickly found out the website no longer exists and I also registered a tidal wave of complaints on forum threads about product orders that were paid and not received.
Regardless of all the “shenanigans” going on backstage the method itself is simple, easy to follow and has produced results for many. The Crown & Glory Method supports the use of hair extensions in braids, twists or cornrows to minimize hair manipulation, reduce damage and achieve quicker hair length goals. For this to happen great attention is given to keeping the hair moisturised at all times. It’s simple, isn’t it!
The Method Itself
Although the method seems more geared to people who use hair extensions, you can also follow it even if you braid, twist or wear your own hair in a similar protective style. Moreover, it isn’t solely aimed at those with natural hair, anyone can do it, even those with relaxed hair. From the information I gathered around, the essential elements of the routine are as follows:
Using hair extensions (or own hair), the hair should be braided, twisted or cornrowed and worn for a period of 2 to 3 months, no longer than that. After this period, the hair is allowed to rest and extensions should be taken down for 2 weeks at least. This cycle should be followed until the desired hair length is reached.
Hair/Extensions can only be washed with diluted shampoo which is applied in a spray bottle to saturate the hair. I would say this is so to avoid too much motion when shampooing which will make your hair look messy and increase the need to redo your hair extensions sooner. Some people advise to just squeeze the mixture on the hair to achieve some lather. Rinsing is done with clear water and the hair are squeezed to ensure there is no diluted shampoo left in.
I saw no mention of conditioning with a regular conditioner. Conditioning of the hair is achieved by mixing Infusium 23 Leave-in Treatment and African Royale Braid Sheen Spray. These are enriched with proteins, vitamins, amino acids and herbs which are meant to strengthen, moisturise and also prevent scalp itching. Again, you should saturate your hair with this mixture daily. As an extra step, some occasionally massage their scalp with a vegetable oil and also apply it on their ends.
Method Dos and Don’ts!
As with all hair care regimens, there are a few things you should not do to avoid disappointments and setbacks.
- Avoid using your extensions/hair in any form of micro style. This increases the risk of hair breakage, you must relieve tension from your hair allowing it to breathe and grow. You should use at least medium sized braids, twists or cornrows.
- Avoid wearing your chosen hairstyle too tight, especially on your edges as you don’t want to get traction alopecia. Use looser braids, twists or cornrows instead, to protect them and avoid any issues.
- You should redo your hair around your edges as this is the area where most product build up happens. Oh, and let’s not forget it’s also the area that makes you look unkempt quicker.
- Be mindful of the hair extensions you are using. When synthetic, some can cause scalp irritation and itching. Also, don’t wear heavy or very long extensions as they tend to cause extra weight and tension on your scalp and lead to breakage and traction alopecia. Try to use hair extensions that are similar to your hair type. If your hair is thin use extensions with thin strands since this won’t cause extra weight on your strands as well.
My Thoughts on The Crown & Glory Method
As you can see, it is a no-fuss regimen that is easy to follow. However, I am a little alarmed by the fact that there is no mention of conditioning or deep conditioning the hair. I believe conditioning your hair is an important step to follow after your shampoo. It will close the cuticle layers of the hair left open by shampooing and give back to the hair some of the oils that are stripped down from washing your hair. I believe you should not skip the conditioner.
As for deep conditioning, the hair needs a proper balance of moisture and protein to strengthen and keep the hair structure hydrated and healthy. We should not forget that underneath those hair extensions there is your real hair, that needs to be taken care of. So deep conditioning is essential. I did, however, find two video tutorials where the method was adapted to the regimen to include hair conditioning and deep conditioning.
I would say that if you are thinking of following, or are following, this hair care method you should include hair conditioning and deep conditioning. My advice would be to do a protein treatment before you start your 6 – 8-week cycle to strengthen the hair, and maybe once more halfway through your cycle. Always condition and use a moisturising deep conditioner when you wash your hair (both watered down to avoid residue on the hair). To further benefit from your intended “hair growth cycle”, why not trim the ends of your hair and start on a healthy note? As with other hair methods, you can make adaptations to suit your needs.
The method itself has a simple premise, yet it doesn’t seem much different from what people wearing hair extensions, or their natural hair, in braids, twists or cornrows were already trying to achieve – minimal manipulation, reduced breakage and retained hair length. This seems like a good method for those who don’t like to do their hair often or on a daily basis.
Please note that these are my own personal thoughts on the Crown & Glory hair method, and they are bound to information retrieved from bloggers, video tutorials and forum threads from people who followed/follow the method. It was impossible to find detailed information on the website which originated the method since it is now closed.
28 thoughts on “The Crown And Glory Method For Hair Care”
Fantastic post! I agree with you, you should always condition your hair. Always always always! Would you go 3-4 months without using lotion? Didn’t think so. I’m genuinely surprised that there’s an entire method that has no mention of conditioning your hair.
Would dry shampoo work for this method, or would it cause too much buildup?
Thank you Lauren, I was surprised to, but then again some have success with it. But we also have to think that maybe those that had success made adaptations to the method…Who know! It seems to work for some.
The Crown & Glory method might be the most natural way to care for your hair.
Once again an informative article Monica. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Hi Cathy, it certainly is an easy hair care method, specially for those who don’t like too much hair manipulation or doing their hair often.
I have actually never heard of this method by its official name. But I know it’s been around for years and years. I actually tried it when I was a teenager. I kept my hair in micro braids, hoping it would grow out. It did but then I turned around and cut it all off. But it was fun anyway.
Hi Kinya! That is why I think that this method is just giving a new spin an old practice. But, hey! If it works it works!
Love, love, love your content!
I will try this method! I also like the fact that you focus on natural hair for black women; I do think that this is a good message as a black woman myself.
I’m planning also to make some posts about beauty on my website later and I will talk about natural hair on black women.
thank you once again!
You are welcome. Yes, the message is to support other black women who want to go natural, are transitioning or are already natural. I’m so glad you like the content here.
This whole thing makes no sense to me… Why do you have to keep your hair in braids to make it grow. I have natural hair and what I do is plat my hair in 8 sections wash it with the braids then on braid each plat put Protein conditioner and re plat and sit under dryer for 30 min. rinse out on plat then put in a detangling conditioner and twist each section wait for 10 min then rinse with twist. Once this is all done I just blow dry each section I have no tangle and my hair never brake off.
Hi Angelia! I personally don’t keep my hair in braids, cornrows, or any type of extensions to make it grow, but many people also like to use their hair this way because it also gives them a break from styling their hair or because they just want something different. Nevertheless, I’m glad you seem to have found a hair regimen that works for you.
This is not a method for hair growth, rather a method for length retention I remember finding Robin’s method on the internet 10 years ago. I personally used this method to retain my length to my waist. I am planning to use the method again to reach my goal of tailbone length
No, Tacora. This is, as you say, more of a length retention method.
The braid spray you sponge on daily is providing conditioning. You can do the deep conditiining routine once the braids are out.
Hi, Courtney!
It is also important to note that if you’re not deep conditioning while in braids, you should deep condition before (and right after) you do your braids and should not keep them for very long.
Happy curly adventures!
I use this method still and have since back back back in the day, when the website was still up. I think it works as all protective styles do by lessening manipulation and thereby allowing growth. But like all regimens without proper balance between nourishment and moisturization growth retention won’t be seen.
Hi SheGrowsHerHairInBraids,
I completely agree with you, by lessening manipulation, we are protecting and helping our hair grow. However, even the best hair care methods will fail if we don’t take proper care of our hair.
Keep taking good care of your mane.
Hello, I have been putting micro braids in for 3 days now (slow braider) with the intent on doing this method. I know micros are shunned but my hair doesnt do well with heavier braids. My plan is to use carols daughters leave in spray, leave in conditioner, and cowash with coconut oil and jamaican black castor oil. Just like locs you can buy a big loc sponge and add the cowash cleansing conditioner and sponge it into your braids, then rinse out then sponge in the leave in conditioner. Leave in or not I always rinse just a little bit out. Then oil your hair with coconut oil and hit up hairline in totality with the castor oil then spray the braids with the leave in conditioner spray. Basically the same concept as I did when I had locs. I’m excited about this protective style. I’ve known about it for many years but could never commit because my braids were too heavy or I wanted my hair in a different style but I’m ready now and since its taking me 3 days with a possible 4 to put these in it lessens the chance of me taking them out prematurely.
Hi Krs,
It’s true that micro braids, just as heavy big braids, can damage your hair but if it’s all about the care and attention we give our hair. If this works for you then continue. It sounds like you have a hair regimen in place that works for you very similar to the Crown & Glory hair care method. Keep up the good work.
where can I buy the crown and glory leave in conditioner.
Ive been looking high and low for it but to no avail. Please help.
Hi Kareen,
Originally it should be sold on the website I mention in this post. However, as I said at the time this post was written (2015), the website no longer exists so the products may not be commercialised anymore. Do a search on Google or on a natural hair forum to find out.
good job! keep it up
Thank you, Nonyawji!
actually, I want to discuss that if how I can use the crown method because i have low porosity hair, and it is very thin
Hi Nonywaji, I can’t help you much with doing the Crown & Glory as I’ve never done it myself, I just gathered the info for my readers. The only thing I can say is that if you have thin hair (density) or fine hair (texture) you need to be careful with breakage and give yoru hair a good rest in between protective hairstyles. Hope this helps.
I know this is old but I have to correct you there. I used to use the C&G method about ten years ago and it did wonders for my hair. There WAS a deep conditioner that was to go along with this method. It was called LeKair cholesterol plus and it was a peach color. It was great and using it made my hair so soft and manageable along with the infusium 23. They no longer sell this product. But Robin said to deep condition with this every week or two weeks. I just wanted to let you know.
Thanks Kara, I appreciate your input.
Definitely agree. The method worked wonders for my hair and I am sad that the site is gone. What I liked about the method was that the base products were very affordable to get and found practically everywhere. I wish I had stuck religiously to the practice, my hair would have easily been waist length by now. She advocates no longer than 8 weeks of leaving the braids in, and to due a diluted shampoo and conditioning weekly. I’m not expert but I think most African hair in the 4 type range, do not receive even close to enough moisture because we are always fighting the reverting, shrinkage, and tangling adequate moisturizing would require. The braids are a perfect way to tend to your hair. Sorry for the rant. lol
Hi Tricia, rant away.
Yes, diluted shampoo is a good way to clean your braids. Also, the wonderful thing about African hair is that it comes in many types. Mine, for instance, is type 3 A, B and C (though I don’t follow a type system).
Braids are good way to wear your hair but so is a wash and go, the rick is to know your hair products and use quality ones.